Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance should I book my wedding officiant?

We recommend booking your wedding officiant as soon as possible to secure your preferred date. Popular dates tend to book quickly, so early planning is essential.

Are you able to perform ceremonies outside of Bremerton?

Yes, we are available to perform ceremonies outside of Bremerton. We love to travel and help couples create their dream wedding wherever they desire.

Can we customize our wedding vows?

Absolutely! We encourage couples to personalize their wedding vows to make them meaningful and unique. We will guide and assist you in creating vows that reflect your love and commitment.

If booked last minute will there be a fee?

If you book me 2 weeks before the wedding there will be 50 dollar additional charge to the price of the package. 

Do I get a refund if I decide to cancel?

Unfornatuley there is no refund. Instead of having a deposit and or holding fee. I have a retainer fee and this means it is the payment upfront that is not refundable. 

Do you Charge a Traveling fee?

I do charge a traveling fee. The traveling fee gets applied if I have to drive for 2 hours or more. The fee for Washington state would be 0.655 per mile. The travel fee amount will be due the day before the wedding.

Do you do destination weddings?

Yes, The cost of the hotel will be on the couple if I have to stay overnight. 

Can you dress according to the theme of the wedding?

Yes, I can dress according to the theme of the wedding but it will be an additional 50-100 dollars for me to purchase those additional accessories.